13 Posts , 17.8k
2023-09-11 [How to] Remove the fork link from a forked GitHub repository
2023-07-09 Linux - Add windows 11 entry in Grub the secure way
2023-04-19 linux reset audio volume with command line
2023-04-15 [Cirrus CI] Using cache and fingerprint
2022-06-17 [Howto] Create a voice reminder for daily meeting using NodeRed
2022-06-16 [Howto] Convert a text to a speech audio file for free using TTSMP3
2022-06-14 [Howto] Create your own app for UnRaid
2022-06-10 [Howto] Bind PrtScr key in i3wm with Falmeshot to take screenshots
2022-06-10 Falmeshot - Do screenshots and annotate them in seconds !
2022-06-09 Step Builder - Design pattern
2022-06-08 - Generate your gitignore files in seconds!